) l uniinf a ------------------------------------------------------------------ Message number: 1 Received: by UMass via BITNet with NJF for FLASH@UMass; 1 Sep 87 14:02:22 UEDT Received: from CZHRZU1A.BITNET by wiscvm.wisc.edu ; Tue, 01 Sep 87 09:00:44 CDT Date: Tue, 01 Sep 87 15:55:40 GMT To: The Flash@Mars.UCC From: K538915%CZHRZU1A.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu Return-Receipt-To: K538915@CZHRZU1A.BITNET Subject: UniTerm V1.8a All bugs reported to now have been fixed in this revision. The new GIN cursor has NOT been tested on color monitors, problems that may occur: - too slow (buffer overrun somewhere......) - drawn wrong ... Simon ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Message number: 2 Received: by UMass via BITNet with NJF for FLASH@UMass; 1 Sep 87 15:41:01 UEDT Received: from CZHRZU1A.BITNET by wiscvm.wisc.edu ; Tue, 01 Sep 87 09:39:12 CDT Date: Tue, 01 Sep 87 15:55:38 GMT To: The Flash@Mars.UCC From: K538915%CZHRZU1A.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu Return-Receipt-To: K538915@CZHRZU1A.BITNET Subject: UniTerm V1.8a ReadMe for UniTerm V1.8a 020 <-| ---------------------------- | |This number is displayed on the 'About UniTerm...' dialog box and indicates the "Edit Number" V1.8 is really a 'inbetween' release, originally I wasn't going make this version public, but it has so many improvements...... Due to the well known reason (I don't have a color monitor) this version hasn't been tested in color at all, please report if you have any trouble. V1.8a changes to V1.7b ---------------------- Kermit: -long packets (max 2kB) (sorry Un*x folk, C-Kermit doesn't support this (yet?)) -CRC 'checksum' -'!' field of Kermit attribute packet supported (gives a rough (to the nearest kB) estimate of the size of the file being recieved) -Keep or discard incomplete files is selectable now. General: -Internal buffer management: Memory is allocated for: - RS232 input buffer - File transfer buffer (Kermit,XModem etc.) - History (not very useful yet) - System (this is what is left for GEMDOS and AES) The RS232 buffer is allocated first, then the rest of the available memory minus the size reserved for system use is allocated, this part is split into two parts: the transferbuffer and the historybuffer. The size of the transferbuffer, inputbuffer and reserved memory can be changed via the 'Buffers...' item in the 'Settings' menu. Changes in the size of the transferbuffer and system memory sizes take effect straight away, a change in the RS232 buffer size will only be made after restarting UniTerm. The absolute minimum allocated is 5kB for system and 1kB for transfer and history. - New function: Run Program, any PRG, TOS or TTP file can be executed with this option. Prior to doing it, you must reserve enough memory for it to run in! - Single character commands in the help menu: S : Save Setup L : Load Setup F : Show free diskspace P : Set Path D : Delete file K : Set Kermit parameters A : Set ASCII file transfer parameters X,Y : Set X/YModem parameters E : Edit functionkeys T : Set terminal parameters V : Set RS232 parameters (V is for V.24 :-)) B : Set buffer sizes G : Set graphic parameters I : Show info dialog R : Run program Q : Quit help dialog - Mouse cursor control: After pressing the left mouse button once, a cursor which can be moved with the mouse will appear, clicking the left button again will move the text cursor to the new position (this works by sending the host computer the cursor key sequences that would be needed to move the text cursor to that position, this means this will only work in situations where cursor keys work too! Tabs will cause problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). - File selector: a caption is displayed above all file selectors, to prevent major disasters happening if an error occurs on the current drive, the critical error handler is deinstalled. - Automatic startup macro: a UniTerm macro file can be used to start UniTerm, this will be executed as soon as UniTerm is initialized. - Cursorkey and keypad mode are switchable via the 'Terminal' dialog. - Some of the special keys ( +....) have been moved, or changed. Macro processor: new command syntax, more commands: A short description: ----------------------------------------------------------------- These commands can be in the strings assigned to the function keys or in a file, the command initiator is '%'. Arguments are enclosed in parantheses, they can be of the following types: string : character string enclosed in single quotes, max 80 characters. integer: positiv integer in the range 0..32767. boolean: FALSE or TRUE. A command line is a maximum of 80 characters long. The macro-processor works in two modi: Functionkey mode: all characters inbetween commands are send to the serial port, macro file mode: everything between commands is ignored. %ECHO(message) Echo 'message' (string) %ECHO(asciival) Echo ASCII character 'asciival' (integer) %DROP() Drop DTR %ASSERT() Assert DTR %WAIT(time) Wait for 'time' (integer) mSec %GET(instring,time) Wait for 'instring' (string), with timeout 'time' (integer)seconds, conditionally execute the rest of the line %RUN(name,commandline) Execute program 'name' (string) with commandline 'commandline' (string). If its a 'TTP' program you'll be asked for parameters. %CONCAT(str1,str2) Concatenate 'str1' (string) and 'str2' (string) and put the result in the variable $TEMP. %ONKEY() Conditionally execute the rest of the line if a key is pressed. %INPUT(prompt) Prompt for a line of input, result is in $TEMP, 'prompt' is a string. The rest of the line is executed if 'OK' is selected. %FILESELECTOR(path,filename,prompt) Show a fileselector with path 'path' (string), filename 'filename' (string) and a prompt of 'prompt' (string). The new values for path and filename are in the variables $PATH and $FILENAME. The rest of the line is executed if 'OK' is selected. %JUMP(line) Jump to line 'line' (integer) (this is a VERY primitive implementation, the input file is reset and line - 1 lines are skipped). %SEND(asciival) Send ASCII character 'asciival' (integer) %SEND(outstring) Send 'outstring' (string) %BREAK(len,dropdtr) Send Break for 'len' (integer) mSec, drop DTR according to the 'dropdtr' (boolean) value %PATH(path) Change path to 'path' (string) %MACRO(name) Execute the macro with name 'name' (string) from disk, default path is the current directory %LOADSETUP(name) Load the setup file with name 'name' (string). %KERMIT(mode,8bitmode,filespec) Start Kermit filetransfer with the following parameters: mode (string) : 'SEND' : send file(s) 'REC' : recieve file(s) 'GET' : receive file(s) from server 8bitmode (boolean): FALSE : 7 bit ASCII text TRUE : 8 bit binary filespec (string): filespecification with wildcards %XMODEM(mode,file) mode (string) : 'SEND' : send file 'REC' : receive file file (string) : file to send/recieve %YMODEM(mode,filespec) mode (string) : 'SEND' : send file(s) 'REC' : receive file(s) filespec (string): filespecification with wildcards As currently implemented, only the first character of any commands is significant. Variables: $PATH (string) contains the last fileselector path, is initialized to the home directory of UniTerm. $FILENAME (string) contains the last file- selector filename, is initialized to ''. $CURRENT (string) contains the current GEMDOS path. $TEMP (string) tempory string for use in the macro processor. Example (line numbers are ignored!): 1 %ECHO('Test Macro for UniTerm') %E(10) %E(13) %E(7) 2 %E('Current GEMDOS path ') %E($C) %E(10) %E(13) 3 %ECHO($T) %E(' ') %ECHO($P) %E(' ') %ECHO($F) %E(10) %E(13) 4 %INPUT('Enter line') %JUMP(2) 5 %ECHO('Second part!') %E(10) %E(13) 6 %ECHO('PRESS ANY KEY TO STOP THIS') %E(10) %E(13) 7 %WAIT(2000) 8 %ONKEY() %E('Keypressed!') %E(10) %E(13) %JUMP(10) 9 %JUMP(5) 10 %FILE($P,'','Macro Test') %JUMP(2) 11 %ECHO('BYE BYE') Beware: you can construct infinite loops! A very useful aspect of the macro processor, is that you can assign a string like %R('TEMPUS.PRG','') to a functionkey and run your favorite editor just by pressing one key. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Single line editor: can be disabled in the 'Terminal' dialog. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Incremental list of changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ V1.8a 014 A small bug in Kermit (wrong send size for long packets) fixed, can be achieved by applying 3 small patches to 012 (by Patch14). V1.8a 015 GIN has been changed so that you can't mess things up anymore by pressing a wrong key, the only way to exit in trouble is now by pressing . V1.8a 016 By accident the shifted function keys had the macro- file flag set, which resulted in normal strings not being sent to the serial port. V1.8a 017 Default values (those used when no setup file is found) changed: Send translation mode: Raw Receive translation mode: Raw (this caused trouble in the new version, since Tek output always goes thru the translation process if its enabled, which can result in pretty funny pictures :-)) RS232 buffer size: 5000 bytes V1.8a 019 - Tek input now goes directly in to the buffer, makes changes in 017 redundant - Kermit serious sendpacket bug fixed (this is what you get for using Var parameters) - Kermit sendpacket size in parameter exchange fixed - LOADSETUP macro didn't actually set the values, fixed - >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NEW<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Real crosshair cursor in GIN mode, actually appears at the last postion (this is a real GEM :-), I spent the weekend with my 68k instruction execution timing table. if anybody wants the old cursor back, I might add various cursor shapes.......... V1.8a 020 - slight improvements in the GIN cursor... ------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 )